SegmentedAVISource / SegmentedDirectShowSource

SegmentedAVISource (string base_filename [, ...], bool "audio", string "pixel_type")
SegmentedDirectShowSource (string base_filename [, ...], float "fps", bool "seek", bool "audio", bool "video", bool "convertfps", bool "seekzero", int "timeout", string "pixel_type")

The SegmentedAVISourcefilter automatically loads up to 100 avi files per argument (using AVISource) and splices them together (using UnalignedSplice). If "d:\filename.ext" is passed as an argument, the files d:\filename.00.ext, d:\filename.01.ext and so on through d:\filename.99.ext will be loaded. Any files in this sequence that don't exist will be skipped.

If segments are spanned across multiple drives/folders, they can be loaded provided the folders are sorted in the correct order. For example

# D:\t1 contains cap.01.avi

# D:\t2 contains cap.02.avi - cap.03.avi

# F:\t3 contains cap.04.avi - cap.05.avi
# load all segments
SegmentedAVISource("D:\t1\cap.avi", "D:\t2\cap.avi", "F:\t3\cap.avi")

SegmentedDirectShowSource works the same way. Its arguments are described in DirectShowSource.

From v2.04 up there is built-in support for ACM (Audio Compression Manager) audio (e.g. mp3-AVIs).

If you get an Unrecognized Exception in AviSynth 2.5 while reading a segmented avi generated by a VirtualDub capture, delete the small final .avi file.

$Date: 2008/02/10 13:57:17 $