AviSynth Syntax - Conversion functions

Conversion functions convert between different types. There are also some numeric functions that can be classified in this category, namely: Ceil, Floor, Float, Int and Round.

Converts a decimal string to its associated numeric value.
Value ("-2.7") = -2.7
Converts a hexadecimal string to its associated numeric value.
HexValue ("FF00") = 65280
Converts a variable to a string.
If the variable is float or integer, it first converts it to a float and then uses format_string to convert the float to a string. The syntax of format_string is as follows:
width: the minimum width (the string is never truncated)
precision: the number of digits printed
- left align (instead right align)
+ always print the +/- sign
0 padding with leading zeros
' ' print a blank instead of a "+"
# always print the decimal point
You can also put arbitrary text around the format_string as defined above, similar to the C-language printf function.


Subtitle( "Clip height is " + String(last.height) )
Subtitle( String(x, "Value of x is %.3f after AR calc") )
Subtitle( "Value of x is " + String(x, "%.3f") + " after AR calc") ) # same as above
String(1.23, "%f") = '1.23'
String(1.23, "%5.1f") = ' 1.2'
String(1.23, "%1.3f") = '1.230'
String(24, "%05.0f") = '00024'

Back to Internal functions.

$Date: 2008/09/07 17:43:58 $